
Help needed on Soundtraxx Tsunami Sound volume.
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Author:  ALCOMAN [ Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Help needed on Soundtraxx Tsunami Sound volume.

I have recently installed my first Soundtraxx Tsunami for ALCO244 in an Atlas RS3. The IPs for the sound effects have been set to 255. I am using a Railmaster DS-1436-8 Bass Reflex speaker...and I can not hear the engine sounds when the locomotive is running in the layout. The other engines have LokSound decoders all of them and sound like an orchestra, while the Soundtraxx sounds very very low. You have to stick the ear to the locomotive's body to hear the sounds.
Can anyone give me a solution ?
Should I replace the Soundtraxx Tsunami for a LokSound select?

Thank you for your help.


Author:  Cadman [ Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help needed on Soundtraxx Tsunami Sound volume.

This is a common problem for them. Does your speaker have a baffle? Have you tried a reset?

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